Feasibility Studies, Overhauls and Upgrades

Feasibility Studies, Overhauls and Upgrades
In the role of the general contractor, the FANS, a.s. company not only provides designing and construction of new energy and industrial plants, but feasibility studies as well.
The feasibility studies offered by us are complex analyses of the investment purpose, including the basic economic and technological aspects of the investment. The feasibility studies normally include the following: situation analysis, technological solution variants, assessment of power and economic benefits of considered solutions, recommendation of optimum variant, costs estimate, financial plan, project time framework, and other items as per the requirements and needs of the customer. Another area where we offer our capacity and experience is the reconstruction and upgrade of existing power and industrial plants.
Benefits of the reconstruction and upgrade of existing power and industrial plants:
- trouble-free equipment operation and safe operation
- adaptation to changing requirements in legislation, ecology, and safety
- extended service life of particular devices and the entire complex
- energy savings
- increase in the equipment output
- reduction in ecological burden
Services offered in the area of reconstruction and upgrade of existing power and industrial plants:
- Analyses of the technical state of particular components of the power generating equipment and the entire set
- Revision, repairs, and replacement of technological parts as well as components of the power generating equipment
- Assessment of the option of complex upgrade with the goal of increasing the equipment output and decreasing operational costs,
- Inspection to verify whether the equipment operates in compliance with current standards and safety regulations